Push Pop Press' First Release: Our Choice by Al Gore

A coupe of months ago, adellelijah posted an article dubbing Push Pop Press as the creator of the next digital book. After months of development and available for purchase ($4.99 on iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch), Push Pop Press has released it's first full featured iPad book / application called "Our Choice" by non other than Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Academy Award Winner and past Vice-President Al Gore. Also known for his full featured film, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore has "conveniently" teamed up with Push Pop Press to present to us new groundbreaking studies, insights and solutions to our current worldwide dilemma. Not only has this app / book been fun to browse and navigate but it takes learning to a whole new level. Providing interactive graphics, entertaining animations and even lending his voice for various narratives, Al Gore reaches out to us showing us really what Push Pop Press can do. The information itself, we'll just call it fluff material for showing off the awesomeness that Push Pop Press can deliver but that's just my opinion. There's really great stuff in there no doubt, but I can't wait to see more books that take full advantage of this technology. What I really can't wait and see are textbooks that fully take advantage of this amazing publisher or action books or who knows...pick your own story types from years ago!

Al Gore's Our Choice Guided Tour from Push Pop Press on Vimeo.

Here's a TED Talk that features Push Pop Press presenting the book. It's quite amazing!

Push Pop Press TED Talk from Push Pop Press on Vimeo.

Digital Books as Apps = Physics Heaven

If you're in the game of writing, authoring and releasing a book within the next year, don't go all 1.0 and turn to iBooks, Amazon or the onslaught of various publishers for some ebook / hardcover / paperback setup.  Check out Push Pop Press! Launching their teaser  site yesterday, Push Pop Press is starting their campaign to transform your book into an experience!  Started by the talented designer, Mike Matas of Apple iOS fame as well as the Delicious Library, and engineers Kimon Tsinteris and Austin Sarner, Push Pop Press is poised the game and is definitely off to a running head start.

Books that let you explore photos, videos, music, maps, and interactive graphics, all through a new physics-based multi-touch user interface.

As you can see from the teaser site and /or image below, the possibilities are amazing with pinch to zoom and in app video rendering.  For a more in depth look and commentary, check out John Gruber and his early testing! // Daring Fireball: Push Pop Press //