Bamboo, meet iPad 3rd gen

Case makers who aren't "invited" by Apple ahead of time are scrambling to put forth and market their latest protection for Apple's third generation iPad. Within the last two years, bamboo has come out and become one of the most sought out materials to form, mold and be perfected. From bicycles to cases, it's life has changed dramatically and has been creatively sculpted to fit our needs. Here, in the video below, we see the latest by Grove. Check out the awesomeness!

Grove Bamboo Case for the new iPad from Grove on Vimeo.

The Grove Bamboo Case (iPad 3) is priced at a statement $139. Conceived and made in America from 100% solid Moso bamboo (meet the team here), some will admit that it's a steal. On a side note, a $20 discount is available through the end of March so by now and you'll be toting Apple's latest and great with the sense of environmental friendliness. Be responsible and be at peace. I'll admit that it does seem a little steep, but these guys from Portland are top notch! They even give you the peace of mind that what the use "is not the bamboo that pandas eat."

Disclaimer: No, I haven't ordered one yet but I'm really thinking about it. For now, I have a Zagg Folio in "carbon fiber inspire design" heading my way. The keyboard was a closer on this deal.

Have an iPad 2 yet?

Apple just posted a new iPad video demonstrating the diverse uses of the iPad 2, and it's awesome! Entitled "Now," after watching the commercial, we all can expect that life from this time forward will be different and done on an iPad. (not a Galaxy Tab =) ) If you haven't succumb to buying the latest and greatest tablet computer from Apple, watch this commercial and tell me you don't want one. I know I do.

Ever since selling my iPad one a little prematurely last November, I've been itching for a new tablet. You ask why I haven't bought one's because I'm waiting. I'm waiting like I always do when it comes to tech toys but be rest assured, I'll be in line or online at day 0 for the iPad 3.

Amazing Sales of iPad 2

All the news it out and Apple stores, Best Buys, Targets, and just about every other retailer has run out of Apple's latest success story! As of this afternoon, they're even going up on eBay with prices of up to a 160% markup! We unfortunately didn't get our hands one, but hey, maybe when the iPad 3 comes up this Fall. Hopefully it will and it won't make the latest adopters all mad. For now, check out this awesome comic for how Apple adopters / users / fanboys usually feel. (by the oatmeal) Grab 5 Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin in the Mouth (And Other Useful Guides), an awesome book, too while you're at it!